Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

Hard day for me today, I lost my father 3 months ago to liver cancer.He was truly my best friend. Lets rewind shall we My DAd moved away 5 yrs ago to B.C with his wife he loved it there but missed me and my kids and we missed him to sure we talked on the phone weekly sent cards Pict's and and letters but it just wasn't the same I mean I was him everyday before that. He first had Colan cancer but got rid of the cancer for more than 6 yrs but about 2 yrs ago he got liver cancer so they operated and took out half his liver everything was good, or so we thought it came back into the rest of his liver and spleen and in the words of my dad he was snickered. He came down in Sept of last year basically to say goodbye it was the best 2 weeks of my life and I will remember it for ever. After that he just got sicker and sicker so my Grama Aunt and I went out to see him it was my first time I was excited I knew he was sick but I didn't think he was that bad. We left on a Tuesday but I called him on Monday and we were talking all was good he was so excited and told me to ware my hiking shoes because he wanted to show me everything he told me that it's a dream come true that I was coming to visit him. We arrived Late Tuesday And when I saw My father I was devastated he was like 80 pounds he wasn't like that when I saw him last, I wouldn't believe it. He was heavily medicated and just looked right through me I sat beside him for 2 hrs with him not saying a word, than I said I'm going to bed he looked at me and asked for a kissed I jumped to give him one and than he was off in his own medicated world. I woke up the next day and his nurse had came and told us that it is time for him to go to the hospice I was like why wlf for I thought my dad would have been better in the morning.

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